Friday, March 18, 2011

What Keeps You Organized?

Rafiki: I hope you enjoyed the "Things Fall Apart"  by Red Jade. To crown this discussion we asked our friends this question.....

What tools help keep you organized?

Top of Form
C.K. Planner

M.M.  Having boundaries! For example: laundry is done Sundays and Thursdays. Groceries are bought on Monday. This keeps me from spending every evening folding clothes.

C.J. I rely heavily on my smartphone. My calendar, contacts, notes, etc. As far as home, I adopted my mom's motto: "a place for everything and everything in its place!"

P.O. My car. It is the ultimate tool. Everything else falls into second place.

M.R. I love my calendar. My little friend travels in my purse wherever I go. :-)

MLH my post it notes...with my to-do checklist...refreshed every morning and trashed every evening.

MM I have to write it down and check it when its done so now I am using my android phone (but do I say) its fun. I get reminders and all. It’s sad if anything happens to it, because I use it for everything, talk, text, email, FB, calendar, schedule, budget, banking, work, name it.

DG check out great tool in keeping organized and you can sync it up with whatever technology you use

We would love to hear from you. Please add comments and let us know the tools you find useful in helping you stay organized. 

1 comment:

  1. Great ideas, sounds like everyone here is very organized. I wish I was disciplined enough to "keep boundaries" and "refresh my checklist everyday". Despite my best intentions, I always get distracted by other things, working late, going out, dare I admit...simply being lazy?

    Quickly checked out "Toodledo", and it seems a pretty cool tool. Plus the basic version is free, so you can take it for a test run. Works for me. Thanks!
