Monday, March 28, 2011

Looking For A New Job?

I came across this article that suggests a different approach to the job search. Instead of focusing on the "title" of the job, create a list of the things you want to get out of the job.

Patricia Noel Drain, the author of the article, had 7 things she wanted from any new job. The list included flexible work hours, use of her communication skills and a short commute.

She interviewed for several jobs in different industries including the resort industry and the real estate industry. After each interview she would evaluate the job to see if it offered the 7 things she was looking for.

With this approach, she was able to eliminate job after job until she found one as a "salesperson at an executive recruiting firm". She knew the job would be a good fit for her because it offered her 6 of the 7 things she was looking for.

I think this approach can work for other life situations such as: moving to a new city, choosing a partner, and deciding what college to attend.

If you are not sure what your next move should be, read the article and do the exercise. You will find clarity of thought that will help you re-focus your efforts in a way that will bring you closer to the success you are looking for.

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