Monday, March 7, 2011

Cheated by Outsourced!

I feel so cheated! I was watching Outsourced (my current guilty pleasure) when I decided to google Rizwan Manji (Raj for those not in the know) and see what other movies or YouTube clips I could find of him.

To my great horror and disappointment I discovered that he is Canadian-American and NOT Indian! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I found myself screaming as I felt a great disappointment which quickly turned to anger at being cheated. You see, my naïve, gullible self thought that Raj was the real deal – a "bonafide Indian playing an Indian" (well the Hollywood version) and therefore true to his roots. I know, I know . . . it’s a TV show, it’s not supposed to be real. For the record, none of the “Indians” are "really from India". Go figure.

Despite this disappointment, there is something about this show “Outsourced” that even in its ridiculous stereotyping makes me feel connected to Raj, and Gupta, and nice girl (no one ever remembers that she exists, what’s her name again?), and Todd, and …. all of them, really, except the scary American guy who gives off serious serial killer vibes.

Perhaps it’s the feeling I get when just like Gupta sometimes I don’t get Todd’s jokes (because I am still not American enough) and I have to ask DH to explain. Or perhaps it’s the way Raj will do anything to be manager because that is the only way he can marry the love of his life. Reminds me how in some cultures parents have a lot of control over their children, unlike here in America. Or perhaps it’s the crazy, witty things that Raj says, that I would love to say if only I could think of them. Current favorite phrase, “pray tell me where you stabled your high horse”. Or perhaps it’s Todd’s look of utter disbelief at the cluelessness of his workers in matters he considers every day, run of the mill situations. Or perhaps it’s how Gupta tries to get Todd to pay him for 2 positions because he needs to make some extra money. He tells Todd, “corporate doesn’t need to know”. Reminds me of those ghost workers on the Nairobi City Council payroll.

I guess I love this show because I see a lot of myself in the show, my experiences while navigating this American life plus frequent flashbacks of the old life. It allows me to laugh both at them and with them, while really laughing at myself.

Thursdays at 10:30/9:30CST on NBC

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