Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Uglies of Being an Immigrant

While immigrating to a new country presents limitless possibilities, it comes with a set of challenges that many people do not like to talk about. I try hard to dwell on the positives but sometimes it is good to look at the realities and learn how to deal with them. Here are some sad realities of living abroad
  1. There are many people with PHD's that drive taxis in developed countries
  2. Like many other places in the world, getting a degree does not guarantee a job. It is definitely not enough to just get a degree. You must also develop serious selling skills. 
  3. You will be lonelier than you initially expected
  4. Your quality of life may suffer due to long work hours
  5. You will struggle with the cultural differences
  6. You will struggle with dealing with racial issues which are still a reality in many places
  7. The nice car, house with a picket fence sometimes comes at a high price
  8. If you fall on hard times, you may find yourself alone. 
  9. Your community abroad may not be the same as the community you left at home. Most people are trying to survive and manage their own lives
  10. You may not receive a call when you submit your resume if you have an ethnic sounding name
  11. You may end up doing a job you never imagined to make ends meet
  12. Your accent may sometimes cause a perception problem
The USA today posted an article about Educated immigrants struggling to find work. What are some unpleasant situations you have encountered? 

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