Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fashion Choices That Could Hurt Your Health

I thought I knew what fashion choices to avoid but apparently I only know the half of it!

I took this quiz on the Dr. Oz website and sadly scored a 50%. From a too heavy handbag to my sunglass choices, I have learnt that I could be making better choices.

Questions on the quiz include, "What is the most dangerous shoe according to podiatrists - Stilletos, Flip-flops, Wedges, Knee-high boots?? You will be shocked by the answer.

Take the quiz to find out the answer as well as other illuminating fashion mistakes that can cause you serious injuries. Let us know your score - a gold star for you if you get 100%.


  1. Anonymous8:43 AM

    The most surprising answer was to the question; Heels any higher than how many inches are likely to cause skeletal damage? My score was also 50%

  2. Sorry, no gold star for you :)
