Monday, January 3, 2011

Timeless Wisdom on Priorities

Proverbs 24:27
Finish your outdoor work 
and get your fields ready; 
after that, build your house. NIV

I have heard the phrase “there is nothing new under the sun” many times. I do not think I have lived long enough to truly test it but it has been true up to this point. This ancient truth in the bible can be very helpful for immigrants that want to create a life in a new country.

It is so important to be clear about your priorities especially when you see the possibilities. Sometimes the temptation is to want to have everything at once. I suggest you consider how you will make a living long term before you start to build a life for yourself. I have seen many people come and get a first job which pays a decent wage then go about acquiring things that make it impossible for them to change jobs or make a move. While certain things such as cars are a necessity in some cities, it may make sense to wait to purchase a home until you are clear about your goals.

When setting priorities, consider the following questions:
• Where do I see myself in the next five years?
• What sacrifices do I need to make to get there?
• What mental attitude and aptitude do I need to get there? How do I continually cultivate it?
• What tools do I need to achieve these goals?
• What are my options?

Do not be afraid to analyze your options and really consider the immediate gratification you are losing out on. Make a choice to pursue your goals because you have a clear picture on what life will be like once you achieve them. Cars, furniture, clothes can be acquired at any time. However to really sharpen your craft needs time. In the end, it will not make a difference when you bought your house, or when you bought your dream car. These things only make a small temporary impression.

The big question is; are you living the life you had envisioned? If you are not, what was the price of your dream? It is never too late to make that change.

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