Small business owners usually struggle to get a handle on the financial health of their companies. Doing so can be a full time job, taking up a lot of time and effort which really should be spent on growing the business. Many can’t afford to hire a full time CPA to handle the financial analysis that is required to accurately diagnose the financial health of a company.
Enter inDinero to the rescue. inDinero promises to make the analytical process easier for small businesses. Their software pulls data from different accounts and credit cards, to create a financial dashboard that is easy to read and use for decision making. inDinero has been called the “ for small businesses”.
Business owners can quickly see in graphical and table formats how much money is coming in and even more important how much time they have before the money runs out.
According to their website, inDinero shows you “which categories you’re spending the most money in, which products you are earning the most in, and even how much your employees are spending over time”. For business owners constantly on the move, the dashboard is available on, so they always have the information at their fingertips.
The most basic package is free and allows the user 50 transactions a month. The second level package allows up to 500 transactions a month for $29.95 and the premium package for unlimited transactions costs $99.95 a month. Sounds a lot cheaper than hiring a full time CPA.
inDinero has won high praise from the likes of The New York Times, CNN Money, Forbes and TechCrunch but like all savvy business owners must know by now . . . caveat emptor!
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