Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Using Professional Tools In Your Personal Life

Last night I received a couple of meeting invites for different mid-year reviews for different projects that I am involved in at work.

Why anyone is sending meeting invites late at night is beyond me. I guess I could always stop looking at my emails but it is kinda hard to ignore the blackberry . . . sometimes it does deliver good tidings.

Anyway, I went to bed thinking about a couple of things:

  1. How did it get to mid-year so fast? Seems like just last week, when I had a wonderful time at my friend's New Year's party.

  2. And has it really been 6 months? What happened to all the goals I set at the beginning of the year? How am I really doing?

In our professional lives (by that I mean your life outside of your home, regardless of what work you do), there are structures that ensure that you are plodding, marching or racing along in pursuit of the goals of the organization. There are meetings and deadlines and productivity charts and reviews to ensure that at the end of the day, the week, the month, the year, certain things get done. Of course if you are the business owner, you are the one responsible for creating those structures.

In our personal lives, such a structure does not exist unless you create one. And then you have to work within that structure to track and measure how well you are doing. Think of all the tools you have at work that create those structures and figure out how to use the same for your personal goals. It could be as simple as setting up meetings on your calendar for weekly meetings to review progress or it could be as transformative as writing a mission statement for your life.

So I think I will schedule my personal mid-year review for this weekend and also schedule monthly reviews for myself. I don't want to get to December and realize that the year went by so fast and I have nothing to show for it.

Are there any tools you learnt at work that you have used successfully in your personal life?

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