The United States Population Fund has a cool population counter which will help you figure out where you are placed in the world birth order. You need to plug in the following details to get started
Here are my stats..
Go to and find out your stats.
- Sex
- Date of birth
- Which country you were born
- Where in the country
- Which country you live now
Here are my stats..
In the entire history of the world, as far back as the first homo sapiens,
78,514,426,075 people were born before you.
On the day you were born,
4,122,276,735 people born before you were alive.- 4,122,276,735
-1,822,819,353 - people were alive when you were born
people were born since you
people have died since you were born - As a result, the population today is7,000,523,921
Go to and find out your stats.
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