Friday, November 25, 2011

Is Black Friday Shopping Worth It?

I shudder when I read the news reports about the violence related to Black Friday shopping.

Black Friday shopping is not worth it, if it will make you throw civility out of the window and push, fight, shove, pepper spray, others to "get a good deal".

However, those who indulge in this kind of behavior are not going to agree with me. But what about those who are subjected to these incivilities?

It is also not worth it to subject yourself to those who will push, fight, shove, pepper spray, you causing you to get hurt or suffer through a horrible shopping experience.

And in most cases the things we are trying to buy are not worth it because we really, truly do not need them. Yes, it is nice to have a flat screen tv but none of us needs a flat screen tv. No one needs more toys, more clothes, more video games, more movies.

Don't get hurt trying to get a good deal for something you don't need in the first place. Stay away from the crazy shoppers.

Now that the busiest shopping season has begun, honestly ask yourself, "Do I need this or do I want this?" before you hit the stores or the cyber malls. Engage in more thoughtful shopping than just buying stuff that is the latest fad.

Choose to spend money on experiences that you and your family and friends can enjoy together, and create lasting memories, rather than just buying stuff that will simply pile up in your home.

Happy Holidays!

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