Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Lessons from Invictus
Watching the movie "Invictus" last night, I was struck again by the power of forgiveness and the strength of character that Mandela exhibits.
If Mandela can forgive the people who put him behind bars for 27 years for fighting for democracy, who are we not to forgive the petty differences that come between us and our family and friends?
Here is the poem that Mandela said saw him through that dark, tough period in his life. May you also draw strength from it and reach out to everyone around you in a spirit of love and forgiveness.
If Mandela can forgive the people who put him behind bars for 27 years for fighting for democracy, who are we not to forgive the petty differences that come between us and our family and friends?
Here is the poem that Mandela said saw him through that dark, tough period in his life. May you also draw strength from it and reach out to everyone around you in a spirit of love and forgiveness.
Invictus by William Ernest Henley
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Does School Kill Creativity?
Be the judge after watching this video by Ken Robinson. A must see for all parents!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Great Reflective Questions For The New Year!
If you are anything like me, you may feel like you have lost yourself in the midst of the activities of the year. Here are some great questions to ask to reconnect with yourself and your passions this coming year.
- What did like to play with as a child and why? What games interested you the most?
- What sorts of success stories create a lump in your throat or really impress you and almost make you feel envious?
- What is it that you are drawn to do with your time when you have no distractions?
- What was your most exciting job task in the past six months?
- What traits do you possess that are most unique, most you, most important, most likely to make a difference? What traits do most people point out about you?
- What is your favorite song? What is your favorite movie? What sorts of jokes do you like? why?
- What was the first job you looked into when you finished school (regardless of whether you obtained the position or not)?
- If you won $20 million in the lottery, what would you do with your time and money?
- What sorts of articles do read first when you pick up a newspaper or magazine?
- What nicknames have friends used to refer to you by? Why did they choose the ones they did over the hundreds of other possibilities?
The answers to these questions will help you focus your energy to what matters the most to you. Set some time aside to reflect and answer them and rediscover what makes you really tick.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
2011 CNN Heroes - Vote Now!
CNN heroes are people who are making a difference either in their communities or in communities far away from their own. These are people who have dedicated their lives to improving the lives of others.
Now is the time to vote for your favorite hero who will win the 2011 CNN Hero of the Year Award, plus a cool $250,000. The deadline for voting is December 7th.
In alphabetical order, below is the list of this year's nominees. Click on each name to learn more about each nominee and how they are making the world a better place.
Click here to vote now for the Hero who inspires you the most.
Now is the time to vote for your favorite hero who will win the 2011 CNN Hero of the Year Award, plus a cool $250,000. The deadline for voting is December 7th.
In alphabetical order, below is the list of this year's nominees. Click on each name to learn more about each nominee and how they are making the world a better place.
- Eddie Canales, Gridiron Heroes
- Taryn Davis, American Widow Project
- Sal Dimiceli, The Time Is Now To Help
- Derreck Kayongo, Global Soap Project
- Diane Latiker, Kids Off The Block
- Robin Lim, Bumi Sehat Foundation International
- Patrice Millet, FONDAPS
- Bruno Serato, Caterina's Club
- Richard St. Dennis, World Access Project
- Amy Stokes, Infinite Family
Click here to vote now for the Hero who inspires you the most.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
5 Tips for the Office Party
Now that the holiday season is in full swing, this is the time to remember that an office party is not really a party i.e. it is not the time and place to let loose and go crazy!
Most office party disasters happen because people drink too much. I know the free booze is tempting but it's not worth it. Treat the office party as an occasion that calls for your best behavior. Here are a few tips:
Most office party disasters happen because people drink too much. I know the free booze is tempting but it's not worth it. Treat the office party as an occasion that calls for your best behavior. Here are a few tips:
- Do not get drunk.
- Eat a snack before you go to the party. This will ensure that when you take your first alcoholic drink that you are not hungry. Drinking on an empty stomach is the first step to ending up drunk.
- Dress appropriately. Clubbing attire or casual attire is not appropriate for the office party. In most cases cocktail attire is appropriate for women and suit and tie for men. If in doubt, ask the organizer to explain the dress code.
- Do not flirt with your co-workers and definitely not with the boss. Again, if you stay sober this will not happen.
- It's the holidays so be polite and cordial to everyone and save the whining and venting for another day. It is a party after all.
Happy Holidays!
Friday, December 2, 2011
Gilgamesh and the Restless Desires of Your Heart
I have a couple of goals/projects that I would like to tackle. Stuff I have been thinking about for a long time, but have not done anything about yet. I often find that I am second guessing myself . . . it’s too difficult . . . where do I start . . . it’s a crazy idea . . . you get the drift. And yet, deep in my soul, I have always felt that God would not have given me these ideas if I was not capable of executing them. Call me crazy but I really feel that conceiving the idea in your head is the first step to success. That you can think it means you are capable of doing it.
Last night, I was reading the “Epic of Gilgamesh” (for the first time) and I have to admit that I felt validated that the great hero Gilgamesh felt the same way too. When Gilgamesh feels very strongly that he has to conquer Humbaba, he calls out to the god Shamash for blessings. Shamash asks him why he feels the need to take up this challenge. Gilgamesh responds, “If this enterprise is not to be accomplished, why did you move me, Shamash, with the restless desire to perform it?”.
And so it is with all of us. If you have goals that are swirling around in your head and filling your dreams at night, if you have a restless desire to do something then listen to your mind and soul and take the first step. That you thought about it means that the hard work is already done. The rest you will figure out along the way, one step at a time.
Last night, I was reading the “Epic of Gilgamesh” (for the first time) and I have to admit that I felt validated that the great hero Gilgamesh felt the same way too. When Gilgamesh feels very strongly that he has to conquer Humbaba, he calls out to the god Shamash for blessings. Shamash asks him why he feels the need to take up this challenge. Gilgamesh responds, “If this enterprise is not to be accomplished, why did you move me, Shamash, with the restless desire to perform it?”.
And so it is with all of us. If you have goals that are swirling around in your head and filling your dreams at night, if you have a restless desire to do something then listen to your mind and soul and take the first step. That you thought about it means that the hard work is already done. The rest you will figure out along the way, one step at a time.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Are You At Risk For Heart Attack or Stroke?
Heart attacks and strokes kill more people than all cancers and auto accidents combined. According to the American heart Association, most sudden heart attacks and strokes occur in people with normal cholesterol and blood pressure levels.
Eating right, exercising, watching your weight, controlling your cholesterol are important, but more can be done to reduce the risk for a debilitating or deadly heart attack or stroke.
It is important to have an annual physical every year to check the following
- Blood pressure
- Cholesterol
- Glucose
If you are in any of the following categories apply to you, consider additional screening
- All males 45 or older (regardless of health)
- All females 55 or older (regardless of health)
- Anyone with one or more of the following risk factors for cvd:
- Family History of Heart Attacks or Strokes
- Diabetes
- Periodontitis (Gum Disease)
- High Blood Pressure
- Overweight
- Sedentary Lifestyle
- Poor Diet
- Smoker
- High Stress
- Cholesterol Problems
Some of the screenings that identify the earliest signs of cardiovascular disease are Carotid IMT screening. This is a non-invasive procedure that used ultrasound technology to measure the thickness of the vascular lining.
To find out more about the screening, talk to your doctor. If you are in the US, check out Life Line Screening if you are interested in learning more about health screening.
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